
The elective Visual Art course in Year 9 and 10 builds on the mandatory course in Year 7 and 8 and provides extension and depth of study in visual arts. This course provides students with ongoing opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the visual arts. They are provided with opportunities to engage in the visual arts practices of making, critical study and historical study. In this course, artist practice, the frames and conceptual framework are considered through the Christian worldview.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do we study in Stage 5 Visual Arts?
What Assessment tasks are there?
Do I have to be good at drawing to do Art?
Is there much theory in Art?
Is there much Homework?
Who are the teachers?

What do we study in Stage 5 Visual Arts?

Year 9: Clay, drawing, painting, relief printing, sculpture, artists and the art world.

Year 10: Self Portrait painting, silkscreen printing, drawing, animation, artists and the art world.

Please note that these could change.

What Assessment tasks are there?

Year 9 has three assessment tasks: Crazy Cat/Dopey Dog Clay Sculpture, Printmaking, Frames Test.

Year 10 has three assessment Tasks: Self Portrait painting, Clay object and Statement, Poem about Art Practice.

Please note that these could change.

Do I have to be good at drawing to do Art?

Art is so much more than just drawing. It helps to be able to draw, but we create artwork in a range of media. Drawing skills are good for putting down ideas and starting off an artwork, but if you work in clay, for example, you may find that you are much better at manipulating clay as a 3D form rather than drawing in 2D. The answer is, no you don’t have to be good at drawing BUT you do need to enjoy Visual Arts and be willing to expand your skills and techniques.

Is there much theory in Art?

We spend more time doing our art making than theory. However, we do more theory than we did in Year 8 and more art making than we did in Year 8. Theory is necessary. It is good to see what other artists have done and learn about history and culture. Theory opens us to the world and shows us exciting possibilities that we might never, otherwise have known about.

Is there much Homework?

There is written homework from time to time. When an artwork is due you may need to work at lunchtimes in the art room or take it home to complete it. Art making needs lots of time, however, it is very rewarding.

Who are the teachers?

It is good to choose a subject because you enjoy it. It is not good to avoid a subject that you enjoy because a particular teacher is teaching it.

If you have further questions, please contact:

Creative Arts Coordinator - Mrs Nicole Conway


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