
Includes Mathematics Numeracy Stage 6, Mathematics Standard, Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 & 2.

Course Information

Mathematics Numeracy Stage 6
Mathematics Standard
Mathematics Advanced
Mathematics Extension 1
Mathematics Extension 2

Mathematics Numeracy Stage 6

The Numeracy course is a Content Endorsed Course developed by NESA. This course can be included in the achievement of the HSC but is not externally examined and does not contribute to the calculation of an ATAR.

The Numeracy course is a new course focused on the development and consolidation of core numeracy skills. These skills are developed through authentic and relevant learning scenarios such as budgeting, shopping, record and account keeping, and a range of real-life activities requiring numeracy. The course is aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) Level 3, a nationally agreed level of functional numeracy.

As a Content Endorsed Course, there is no HSC examination for the Numeracy course. Assessment in this course is school-based. Teachers award a grade in Year 11 using the Common Grade Scale and an assessment grade in Year 12 using the Achievement Level Descriptions for reporting achievement.

Please note: the running of this course is subject to the level of demand.

Mathematics Standard

Mathematics Standard is aimed at students who wish to continue with their study of mathematics in Years 11 and 12 to gain a better understanding and application of mathematics and numeracy in real-world situations. It is suitable for a wide range of future career options, including many different trades, requiring financial, statistical and practical problem-solving capabilities. Studying Mathematics Standard in Years 11 and 12 will be beneficial in helping students to develop practical analytical skills.

Mathematics Standard is designed for those students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Stage 5 and pursue further understanding in financial mathematics, statistics and measurement. This course offers students the opportunity to prepare for a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at a tertiary level.

The course is intended to give students who have demonstrated a sound understanding of the skills of Year 10 Mathematics an understanding of, and competence in, some further aspects of mathematics which are applicable to the real world. It has general educational merit and is also useful for concurrent studies in business, arts, humanities, nursing and paramedical sciences.

Particular course requirements

This course assumes students have achieved the outcomes in Mathematics substage 5.1 and some of substage 5.2.

Mathematics Advanced

Mathematics Advanced provides opportunities for students to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to concepts within the area of mathematics that have applications in an increasing number of contexts. These concepts and applications are appropriate to the students’ continued experience of mathematics as a coherent, interrelated, interesting and intrinsically valuable study that forms the basis for future learning. The concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus form a strong basis of the courses, and are developed and used across the course, through a range of applications.

This course is focused on enabling students to appreciate that mathematics is a unique and powerful way of viewing the world to investigate order, relation, pattern, uncertainty and generality. The course provides students with the opportunity to develop ways of thinking in which problems are explored through observation, reflection and reasoning.

This course provides a basis for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and the skills that constitute thinking mathematically have an important role. It is designed for those students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and its applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level. Students may also choose to study this course because they are passionate about, and skilled in, mathematics.

Particular course requirements

This course assumes students have achieved the outcomes in Mathematics substage 5.1, 5.2 and some of the outcomes in Mathematics substage 5.3. Students who choose this course having covered only the 5.1 and 5.2 Mathematics substages in Years 9 and 10 should understand there is a level of assumed knowledge consistent with studies in the 5.3 substage.

Mathematics Extension 1

The Mathematics Stage 6 courses, in particular Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2, form a continuum to provide opportunities at progressively higher levels for students to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to concepts within the area of mathematics that have applications in an increasing number of contexts. These concepts and applications are appropriate to the students’ continued experience of mathematics as a coherent, interrelated, interesting and intrinsically valuable study that forms the basis for future learning. The introductory concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus form a strong basis of the courses, and are developed and used across the courses, through a range of applications.

Mathematics Extension 1 is focused on enabling students to develop a thorough understanding of and competence in further aspects of mathematics. The course provides opportunities to develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, and to use mathematical models more extensively. Students of Mathematics Extension 1 will be able to develop an appreciation of the interconnected nature of mathematics, its beauty and its functionality.

This course provides a basis for progression to further study in mathematics or related disciplines in which mathematics has a vital role at a tertiary level. An understanding and exploration of Mathematics Extension 1 is also advantageous for further studies in such areas as science, engineering, finance and economics.

Note: Students who study Mathematics Extension 1 must also study Mathematics Advanced.

Particular course requirements

This course assumes that students have achieved a mastery of the outcomes in Mathematics substages 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

Mathematics Extension 2

The Mathematics Stage 6 courses, in particular Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2, form a continuum to provide opportunities at progressively higher levels for students to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to concepts within the area of mathematics that have applications in an increasing number of contexts. These concepts and applications are appropriate to the students’ continued experience of mathematics as a coherent, interrelated, interesting and intrinsically valuable study that forms the basis for future learning. The introductory concepts and techniques of differential and integral calculus form a strong basis of the courses, and are developed and used across the courses, through a range of applications.

Mathematics Extension 2 provides students with the opportunity to develop strong mathematical manipulative skills and a deep understanding of the fundamental ideas of algebra and calculus, as well as an appreciation of mathematics as an activity with its own intrinsic value, involving invention, intuition and exploration.

The course offers a suitable preparation for study of mathematics at tertiary level, as well as a deeper and more extensive treatment of certain topics than is offered in other mathematics courses. It represents a distinctly high level in school mathematics involving the development of considerable manipulative skill and a high degree of understanding of the fundamental ideas of algebra and calculus. These topics are treated in some depth, thus the course provides a sufficient basis for a wide range of useful applications of mathematics, as well as an adequate foundation for the further study of the subject.

Particular course requirements

The course is designed for students with a special interest in mathematics who have shown that they possess special aptitude for the subject. Students should be achieving at a high level in Mathematics Extension 1 to consider this course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Mathematics course should I do?
Can I start in Mathematics Advanced and change to Mathematics Standard if the course is too hard?
Does Mathematics Advanced scale higher than Mathematics Standard?
Before-school classes for Mathematics Extension 1
Do I have to do Mathematics Extension 1 to be able to enrol in Mathematics Extension 2?
Is there an extended assignment in each course?
Which teachers are teaching each course?
Can I study Mathematics Extension 2 in Year 11?

Which Mathematics course should I do?

Your Mathematics teacher will recommend a course for you for Year 11 and 12 which is based on their understanding of your skills, effort and application. However, the final decision ultimately rests with you. It would be wise to consider what course is a minimum requirement for any future studies. You should also consider the assumed knowledge from Year 9 and 10 for each course.

Can I start in Mathematics Advanced and change to Mathematics Standard if the course is too hard?

Absolutely. If you are unsure whether to choose Advanced or Standard, it is best to start in Advanced and move across to Standard if the course is too difficult. You cannot move in the opposite direction.

Does Mathematics Advanced scale higher than Mathematics Standard?

Yes, as it is a more challenging course. However, you should choose a course that you are more likely to enjoy and succeed in.

Before-school classes for Mathematics Extension 1

As a Mathematics Extension 1 student, you must attend before-school classes two mornings a week. These start at 7.45am. If you are not able to make it these mandatory classes, then you should not enrol in this course.

Do I have to do Mathematics Extension 1 to be able to enrol in Mathematics Extension 2?

Yes, Mathematics Extension 1 is a prerequisite for Mathematics Extension 2. In Year 12, you will be attending lessons for Mathematics Advanced, Extension 1 and Extension 2 (8 periods in total).

Is there an extended assignment in each course?

Yes, every Mathematics course has an extended assignment in both Year 11 and 12.

Which teachers are teaching each course?

We do not know at this stage which teachers will be teaching each course. You should choose your course according your interests and capabilities.

Can I study Mathematics Extension 2 in Year 11?

No. This is a 1-year course that begins in Year 12. It is offered to students who are excelling in both Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1.

If you have further questions, please contact:

Acting Mathematics Coordinator - Mr David Tatzenko


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