
We know that education comes in a variety of ways, including beyond the classroom walls. With this in mind, year group and class excursions, camps and co-curricular activities are organised to enhance students' learning and knowledge of course curriculum.

All excursions and camps are an important part of the learning experience, the expectation is that all students should attend.

For day excursions or camps involving an entire class or grade, parental consent is considered to have been given as these activities are deemed integral to the school's academic or co-curricular programs.

Parents who choose to exclude their child from such excursions are required to communicate their decision in writing to the organising teacher, or via the Office on admin@covenant.nsw.edu.au. In these instances, parents will be required to keep their child at home as no supervision or work will be provided at school.

In the case of higher-risk overnight camps and day excursions that involve a specific group of students (e.g. Gala days), only those students who have submitted a completed permission slip, whether digital or paper, will be eligible to participate in the excursion or camp.

Giving digital permission via the Covie app

  1. You will receive a push notification informing you there is an “Event Permission Request” waiting for action in the Covie App.
  2. Once you’ve opened the App, click on the ‘Events’ button.
  3. Under ‘To-Do’s”, click on ‘Pending Items’. This is where you will see the event or excursion you will need to give permission for.
  4. Click on the event. You will find the details of the excursion/event, including the date and time.
  5. The text box will inform you that by granting permission for your child to participate in the event, you have read and understood the relevant letter which is attached below. Please ensure you have read the letter carefully.
  6. There is a notes section that you can use if needed. You may use this to let the teacher know any information pertinent to the event/excursion.
  7. You can give your permission by clicking on the green ‘Grant Permission’ button. You will be asked to ‘Approve Confirmation’ - click Yes to continue or cancel if desired. OR
  8. You can deny your permission by clicking on the red ‘Deny’ button. You will be asked to ‘Deny Confirmation’ – click Yes to continue or cancel if desired.
  9. Once you have given or denied approval for the event/excursion, you will no longer have this event/excursion under ‘Pending Items’. Instead, if you would like to view any of the excursion details, you can click ‘Approved Events’, selecting the relevant child and selecting the event/excursion you would like to view.

Type on the line above then press the Enter/Return key to submit a new search query