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Teaching and Learning Friday, 02 Aug 2024

Bound by one common purpose - Jesus

What a blessing it is to start each day in God’s word. As teachers at ݮƵios, it is so encouraging to meet together every morning for devotions and prayer. It is an opportunity to keep reflecting on how great God is and how dependant we are on His wisdom and guidance for our lives. During the July holidays, several of our staff attended the International Transforming Education Conference 2024 (ITEC) in Perth. It was such an enriching experience – the opportunity to worship together with over…

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Teaching and Learning Friday, 08 Mar 2024

Amazing young minds solving the world’s problems

For the second consecutive year, students from ݮƵios are preparing to represent Australia at the Future Problem Solving International Conference in the United States. These students have delved deep into real-world issues—environmental, economic, and cultural—and are equipped not only to understand these challenges but also to devise solutions for them. Future Problem Solving enables our students to confront pressing global issues head-on. Our students cultivate the ability…

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Teaching and Learning Friday, 08 Mar 2024

Setting high expectations

We all want the best for our students. We want them to experience success in their learning. We want them to feel valued and supported at all times. And we want them to be extended and challenged in their thinking. So much of this has to do with setting high expectations. As teachers, we hold the belief that all students are capable of success. This mindset shapes our interactions with our students and influences the way we teach them. We recognise that success will look different for every…

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Teaching and Learning Wednesday, 06 Dec 2023

HSC Results are in!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! It is with pleasure that we congratulate the Class of 2023 on their outstanding HSC results! Our students have worked with diligence, perseverance and resilience and have been supported by our wonderful teachers every step of the way.Our ATARs have been excellent again this year and approximately 24% of students have received an ATAR over 90. We celebrate with John who received our top ATAR of 98.5. Other special mentions go to Carys with an ATAR of 96.85,…

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Teaching and Learning Friday, 08 Sept 2023

A Biblical Framework for Curriculum Design

At ݮƵios, our deepest hope and desire as Christian educators is to point our students to Jesus. Whether we are engaging with the latest curriculum reforms, designing dynamic learning tasks, or developing and nurturing our students, this our ultimate purpose. As our teachers sit and wrestle with new syllabuses, we always ask ourselves, “How can I teach this concept from a Christian perspective?” or “What biblical threads, or common themes, can be woven throughout this unit to help direct our…

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Teaching and Learning Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023

A culture of curiosity

On a highway in Silicon Valley, a cryptic billboard posed a mathematical puzzle: “{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com.” The answer, 7427466391.com took curious onlookers to another equation. Those who answered correctly were then invited to submit their resume to Google. Why? Because curiosity is a valuable commodity. As the CEO stated: We run this company on questions, not answers. This year, we have started one-to-one peer coaching amongst the staff. The goal is not to…

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